In Jamfactory under “Profile Settings” you will find a link to your subscriptions. Here you can upgrade and downgrade as well as terminate your subscriptions.
What is a Jam Session?
Once you press “Play” you initiate a Jam Session. A Jam Session is active for 1 hour even if you change song. During a Jam Session you have access to the entire Jamfactory catalogue.
Depending on you subscription you have a certain number of “Jam Sessions” available every month.
Under “Global Settings” you can activate the functions “Auto renew Jam Session” and “Start Jam Session without warning”. If you have activated these functions you will not be interrupted when you start a Jam Session or if you are playing when a Jam Session expires.
How do I end my subscription?
In Jamfactory under “Profile Settings” you will find the link “Edit Your Profile”. From here you can stop the automatic renewal of your subscription.
How do I get started playing a song?
Find and download the song you want to play by clicking the download icon. The song will download an appear under “My Songs”. You can preview all the songs by clicking on the speaker icon on the cover pictures. If you click on the iTunes icon under the cover picture you will be linked to the song in iTunes.
How do I make a playlist?
Press and hold the cover picture of the song you want to add to a playlist. Click “Add to a playlist". Create and name a new playlist og select an existing playlist.
How do I change the mix of a song?
Go to the mixer page and mute the tracks you want to play. Change the volume and pan to get the mix you like.
If you want to reset a change double tab on the volume og pan button.
How do I change the tempo or the key?
Go to the mixer page and select “Settings". Now adjust the tempo or change the key.
How do I record my own tracks, fast and easy?
Go to the mixer page and create a new track. Make sure the button with the “R” is activated. Now connect a microphone or another instrument to the “Line In”. The Line In input is routed to the custom track with the activated “R” button. Make sure that the Line In is not muted since it is muted by default to avoid feedback. When you are all set press “Record”.
How do I record my own tracks professionally?
Go to the Mixer, select “Settings” and click “Export stereo file” and save the file.
Now click “Export Garageband File” and select “Copy To Garageband”. The Garageband file includes all master track settings including master tempo and tempo changes as well as master time signature and time signature changes. When you open the Garageband file and import the exported stereofile you are sure that everything is in sync in Garagebang. Now you can use functions like quantize and you can even import Garageband audio loops because everything is in perfect sync.
Once you have finished recording you own tracks in Garageband you can export them to Jamfactory. The exported audiofiles can be imported to you custom tracks in the Jamfactory mixer - again in perfect sync.
NOTICE: When you export your recordings from Garageband please make sure to export them in the format .wav otherwise sync. will be lost.
How do I connect a microphone or an instrument to Jamfactory?
You can connect your Apple compatible headset to your iPad and use the build in microphone from your headset for recording your live performance but if you use an external instrument or microphone you need to connect it to your soundcard.
Once you have connected your instrument or microphone to your soundcard Go to “Line In” and unmute the channel strip and set the gain, the volume and the effects.
If you want to reset a change double tab on the volume og pan button.
How do I make a professional music video?
Go to the Mixer and open “Settings”. Now click “Export Stereo File” and select “Copy To iMovie” when you are asked what to do with the file.
Now you can record you music video in iMovie and use your Jamfactory song as the audio backing for your music video.
How to preview the categories vertically?
On the page “Home” you can click on the name of a category. You will then be able to browse the selected category vertically showing more songs than you can see when you scroll horizontally.
How do I see the song details?
On the page “Home” you can click on hold a cover picture. By doing so you activate the song info overlay. From the overlay you can e.g. add the song to your playlists. You can start and stop the song from the overlay by clicking on the cover picture.
How can I start a song from “My Songs” when a playlist is playing?
We want to prevent you from accidentally start a song from “My Songs” when you have initiated a playlist. However, by dobbelt clicking a song from “My Songs” you can force the song to begin even if a song is playing from the playlist.
How do I see the song details?
On the page “Home” you can click on hold a cover picture. By doing so you activate the song info overlay. From the overlay you can e.g. add the song to your playlists. You can start and stop the song from the overlay by clicking on the cover picture.
How do I reset changes made on the Mixer or Line In page?
If you want to reset a change double tab on the volume, pan or other controller button.
If you want to reset an entire song to factory settings you can click the button “Settings” in the lower left corner of the Mixer or Line In page. Then click ”Restore Defaults”.
How do I avoid being interrupted by the Jam Session warnings?
Under “Global Settings” you can activate the functions “Auto renew Jam Session” and “Start Jam Session without warning”. If you have activated these functions you will not be interrupted when you start a Jam Session or if you are playing when a Jam Session expires.